January 27 - 5.68 miles

Now we’re talking! The longest trek of the trip so far on a quiet Saturday morning/afternoon.

Started chilly, but warmed after a mile or so and got into a groove.

I’ve found that listening to a book about walking, particularly one where a dude is walking up and down MOUNTAINS for 13 or 15 miles or more a day, pushes me further because well, how hard is what I’m doing comparatively?

Today’s jaunt took me past Andice and to the outskirts of Mahomet, Texas, which is too small to show on the map at this size..

Also, for the first time, I knocked off more than 1% of the total in a single day and knocked almost 2 weeks off my estimated completion date.


Total Miles Intentionally Walked: 62.96 (12.44%)

Miles to Amarillo: 443.04 (87.56%)

Steps Complete: 139,708 of 1,113,200

Current Virtual Location: Approaching Mahomet, Texas

Estimated Date of Virtual Arrival: August 4, 2024

Ears Currently On: “AWOL on the Appalachian Trail” - David Miller
